Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

Hazrat Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH), is the central figure of Islam and is the last prophet and messenger of Allah. Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the year 570 CE, Muhammad's (HMPBUH) life and teachings have had a profound impact on the world, shaping the course of history and inspiring millions of people.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) grew up in a society marked by social inequality, tribal conflicts, and the worship of multiple deities. However, he (PBUH) was known for his honesty, integrity, and wisdom, earning him the nickname "Al-Ameen" (the trustworthy) among his people. At the age of 40, Muhammad (HMPBUH) received the first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel, initiating his prophethood.

Throughout his life, Muhammad PBUH preached the oneness of God and called people to worship the one true God, known as Allah. He emphasized the importance of moral conduct, compassion, justice, and the welfare of others. Muhammad's PBUH teachings, which were later compiled in the holy book of Islam, the Quran, formed the foundation of the Islamic faith.

Muhammad PBUH faced numerous challenges during his mission. He encountered resistance from the Quraysh, the dominant tribe in Mecca, who opposed his message and persecuted his followers. Despite the hardships, Muhammad's PBUH teachings attracted a growing number of followers, and the message of Islam began to spread.

In 622 CE, facing increasing persecution, Muhammad PBUH and his followers migrated to the city of Medina, an event known as the Hijra. This migration marked a turning point in the history of Islam and served as the starting point of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad PBUH established a unified community based on the principles of justice, equality, and cooperation among its members.

As a leader, Muhammad PBUH not only guided the spiritual affairs of the Muslim community but also acted as a political and military leader. He participated in several defensive battles, seeking to protect the fledgling Muslim community from external threats. Despite engaging in battles, Muhammad always emphasized the importance of mercy, restraint, and the protection of innocent lives during warfare.

Muhammad's PBUH leadership and teachings transformed the Arabian Peninsula, as well as the lives of countless individuals. His emphasis on education, justice, and the rights of women and marginalized groups brought about significant social reforms. He promoted the importance of seeking knowledge and encouraged Muslims to pursue education in various fields.

Muhammad's PBUH final sermon, delivered during his farewell pilgrimage to Mecca in 632 CE, summarized his core teachings and emphasized the principles of unity, equality, and social justice. After completing his pilgrimage, Muhammad PBUH fell ill and passed away in Medina. His death marked the end of prophethood, but his legacy lived on through his teachings and the community he established.

Muhammad PBUH is revered worldwide as the ultimate role model, embodying the ideals of piety, humility, compassion, and devotion to God. Muslims strive to follow his example in their daily lives, seeking to emulate his character and teachings. Muhammad's influence extends beyond religious boundaries, as he is respected by many for his wisdom, leadership, and contributions to human civilization.

It is important to note that for Muslims, it is customary to say "peace be upon him" or use the abbreviation "PBUH" as a sign of respect whenever mentioning Muhammad's PBUH name, as it is considered a way to honor his status as the final prophet of Islam.




Purpose of this website

The purpose of this website is to spread the morals of "Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him" to the entire world.